Graphic Design

Since the mid-'90s I started creating logos and other print and web graphics and most of all worked at learning Adobe Flash because I was inspired by an animated web page I saw back in 1995. When finally I created a Flash website of my own, which took me hours of learning ActionScript, who was to know Flash would become obsolete and be taken over by Javascript- bah!

After learning HTML/CSS and creating quite a few websites which only ever saved me money but never made me money because I did everything from the ground up. Soon drag and drop website generators were popping up everywhere so I decided to delve into the world of CMS mainly Drupal.

From CMS I learned the command line and installed my own Linux server slice and then I was able to host all my HTML sites and PHP sites and still have plenty of storage left over without having to pay individually.

Now after all these years, I opt for a quick and easy Google site drag and drop which is free and easy and gives you a great ranking on Google- it goes without saying! However, it still jails your site even though currently still free.

So ultimately my favourite place is GitHub which is what I am using here and now as you read this. It is open source and lightweight static HTML mainly for developers or 'starving artists" like myself or students who need a free repository.

Below are some images of past work:

Website screengrabs of one of my first ever websites selling a farm, drupal site hosting artists and flash site and puppetry site.

logos, print, advertising.